Why Purple Bite?

We offer a zero-risk, money-back guarantee. Traditional PR relies on mass-emailing press releases, but that approach simply doesn’t work anymore. Instead, we’ve built direct relationships with publication owners and head editorsβ€”ensuring we can actually deliver results.

2024 success rate: 98%.

Watch our interview with Ari’s Take, author of the #1 Amazon best-seller How To Make It In The New Music Business.

Read about us in Galore and LADYGUNN



What do you mean by β€œzero-risk”?

Our system is guaranteed or money back, if we can’t deliver on our promises then you will get a refund of your investment.

What can I expect from a PR campaign?

You can expect better SEO (search engine), top-tier outlets that you can use when pitching to DSPs (Spotify, Apple, etc), and raising your profile by having reputable curators advocating for your music.

How long have you been doing PR?

We have been a company since 2015.